We are facing one of the most revolutionary ways to place implants today. Thanks to three-dimensional images of the oral cavity, implantologists can work, diagnose and plan, as if it were the patient’s own mouth. The procedure allows for exact locations, making use of a template tailored for each user.

The first step is to perform a CT or digital scan of the jaw bones. The extracted images are transferred to the computer and computer software is responsible for treating them. The result is a true-size, 3D reconstruction of the patient’s mouth.

With this advance, dentists can simulate interventions and all types of implant placements. It is the best way to test the perfect location, eliminating risks and certain obstacles. When the professionals conclude the previous planning, it is time to request a surgical splint or template, with the exact representation in three dimensions of everything previously projected. This technique is highly recommended in cases where precision and avoiding certain obstacles are required. It is widely used, for example, when there are basic bone problems or other complications in the implant.


 As we pointed out previously, the benefits of the technique are innumerable:

• Reduction of intervention time.

• Reduction of discomfort for the patient.

• Optimization of space when placing implants.

• Possibility of treatment in cases of bone deficit.

• Placement in the optimal site, without the need for large incisions in the gum.

• Points and cuts are avoided.

• More comfortable postoperative, without inflammation or pain.

• The template created adapts perfectly to the user’s mouth

• This technology manages (or tries at least) to rebuild the original smile of the patient, in addition to returning one hundred percent of the functionality.

• There are millimeter references around the position of the implants.

• It is possible to place provisional teeth immediately after placing the implant.



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