Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 12:00 am / 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Yes. You can contact our service line +297 585 3255 or visit us at our headquarters located at Piedra Plat 98 297 Paradera, Aruba.

Yes. It is important that the company you are affiliated with is part of our agreements.

Yes. You can schedule your appointments through our service channels: Calls: +297 585 3255 WhatsApp: +297 592 9398 or by filling out our scheduling form by CLICKING HERE.

Yes. We recommend you make the cancellation 12 hours before scheduled.

Yes, for Dental Solutions the opinion and qualification of our users is of vital importance. If you want to carry out this process, you can find the form on our website by CLICKING HERE.

To give you an exact price according to your need, we invite you to communicate through our service channels: Calls: +297 585 3255 WhatsApp: +297 592 9398

We recommend arriving 30 minutes before the indicated time.